Northern CA HR Mag, July 2015 - page 7

“We have an onsite vending service, Avanti that offers your regular
snacks as well as salads, healthy frozen entrees, healthy drink
options, hard boiled eggs, etc. Employees can purchase the items
easily by swiping a card. We have a Wellness committee that
helps to organize fitness challenges. Right now we have a 6 week
challenge going and teams with individual members trying to reach
10k steps per day. We offer a gym reimbursement to employees as
well as reimbursement for Weight Watchers. We also have fruit as
an option when we have parties. We send out emails on Mondays
to motivate and Fridays with food facts and healthy recipes. We
encourage our staff to take breaks and walk outside the office, we
have a mile marked off, so they know how far they go. We’ve seen
some real changes in attitudes, behaviors and weight over the past
4 years when we started the Wellness Program.”
- Jennifer Gotti, SPHR, HR Manager, Brayton Purcell, LLP
“The company I work for, UBF Consulting, actually designs
Wellness programs and Health Management solutions for
companies around the globe, so we here in our corporate office
practice what we do. We have several tools in the office to keep
the focus on healthy choices, such as floor bikes for under our
desks, ball chairs, scheduled movement activities, healthy snacks
and drinks in our kitchen, free gym membership, game-play to
keep our minds sharp, and incentives for off work fitness.”
- Eileen Graham, SPHR, Executive HR Consultant,
UBF Consulting, Inc.
: AFIS Benefits
“Among other things, the simplest thing can sometimes be the
most practical and effective. We encourage each other to take
“2-minute walks” regularly (every hour).”
- Loy Oppus, Marketing Manager, Auxillium HRnetSource
“My company offers a $350 wellness incentive reimbursement
that employees can use for any type of wellness (i.e. health club,
biometrics screening, any exercise activity, etc.). Employees
submit a wellness claim form and are not required to submit any
documentation. This is in the honor system. Employees are then
compensated via payroll.”
- Ingrid Garcia, SPHR, HR Manager, Amec Foster Wheeler plc
“Guide Dogs for the Blind has two campuses. The national
headquarters is located in San Rafael, California and the Oregon
campus is in Boring, Oregon. Each campus has a wellness
committee comprised of employees from various departments
who provide input into the program.
Guide Dogs for the Blind worked with Oregon Health and Science
University, March Wellness to develop two programs called Prepare
for Work. Prepare for Work is a 15 minute stretch program that
is designed as an injury prevention program. Employees attend
one of two daily morning sessions on paid time. A representative
from OHSU trained a group of employees at each campus to lead
sessions. The 15 minute program includes a variety of stretches
for all major muscle groups as a physical warm-up to prepare them
for the day. The exercises are designed to be performed while
standing and in regular clothing. One of the benefits of the Prepare
for Work program is that employees see individuals from other
departments that they might not interact with on a regular basis.
Guide Dogs for the Blind has also implemented Safety in Motion a
work place ergonomics program devised to help employees lead
healthier lives. Safety in Motion training provides a customized
action and education process that is proven to reduce strain, pain
and musculoskeletal injuries. The program significantly reduces
soft tissue injuries using physical techniques, and training
methods. Success is based on both training and action. Through
physical demonstrations during training, employees experience
how small changes in physical technique significantly reduce
unnecessary stress and strain. The program then helps them
drive that experience into real life practical applications in both
workplace and off the job activities. Follow up programs after
initial training ensure ongoing reinforcement.
The Wellness Committee oversees on-site programs such as a
once a week yoga class conducted at lunchtime, chair massage
during breaks/lunch periods, and a cross fit class scheduled
after work. The instructors have come to us either through
the YMCA or referral. In addition to the scheduled classes,
each campus does have a well-equipped small fitness room
with weights, exercise machines, and a DVD player for use by
employees and clients.
A Wellness Fair is planned at the San Rafael campus in June.
The fair will include representatives from Guide Dog’s health care
providers and vendors as well as speakers on health related
topics and demonstrations by the fitness instructors. The
Oregon campus has a community garden and regular sends out
information regarding healthy living.”
- Katie Petcavich, SPHR, Director of Human Resources and Lori
Fromm, Human Resources Generalist, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
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