Hammer & Nail: Spring 2014 - page 4

Quad Cities Builders & Remodelers Association — Spring 2014
re we ready for some
This seems like the
longest winter in history
with everyone just on the
edge of their seat ready for
spring. Snow still sitting
on the ground hasn't stopped our QCBR
builders preparing for a very successful
Spring Parade of Homes. We currently have
28 homes that will be on display in both IA
and IL on the tour. The weather has thrown
some challenges to getting homes prepared
but with the hard work of contractors the
parade will go on! Stop out and see what
our builders have to offer in new home
construction April 26,27,30 & May 3,4.
Over the past few months we have been
very busy. In February we had a very
successful Home Show despite the frigid
cold temperatures and snow. All booth
space was sold out and we had over 6,000
people in attendance. Thank you to all that
purchased booth space, attended VIP night,
came to the show or volunteered!
At the end of February myself along with
Legislative Committee Co- Chair, Scott
Webster, Remodelers Chair, Brian Moss
and Executive State Board Member, Lenny
Wilkinson traveled to Des Moines for a State
Board meeting and to visit the State Capitol.
While at the Capitol we were able to meet
with local legislatures Senator Roby Smith
and Representative Linda Miller. With the
knowledge of home construction issues
we were able to discuss some current and
future legislative items with them.
This year we have had two major things that
will impact our local association greatly. We
lost not only a passionate dedicated Board
Member and contributor to our industry
but a wonderful friend as well, Marilyn
Burke-Knutsen. Marilyn brought true
joy to so many of us. She will be missed
dearly. Also, with the closing of American
TV & Appliance we are going to be saying
goodbye to a company that has always
supported our industry. Robert Meyer and
Todd Robertson along with many other
employees have contributed countless
hours to our cause. We are happy to say that
they will both continue to be involved with
our association with their new endeavor.
With our growing association, the QCBR
has decided to bring a new part-time
employee to our office staff. We welcome
Linda Romans. Linda will be assisting
myself and Holly with current office duties
such as membership calls and event details
throughout the year. Be sure to stop by the
office to introduce yourself to Linda and
welcome her to the QCBR!
With the addition of Linda joining our staff
I look forward in being able to expand
my focus of the association by developing
more membership programs, recruiting
and training members for leadership
roles, participating in more community
organizations that enhance our association
and being able to go out and visit our
membership businesses.
As always, I thank each and everyone of
you for your continued support of our
association family. Weather you volunteer
on a committee, attend an event, sit on
the board of directors or participate in any
other way, we truly thank you for your time
and commitment.
EO's Message
by Julie Awkerman, Executive Officer QCBR
Executive Officer: Julie Awkerman
Executive Assistant: Holly Badtram
QCBR CPA: Debbie Shannon
President: Terry Knutson
1st Vice President: Jerry Coussens
2nd Vice President: Scott Pearson
Secretary: Robert Meyer
Treasurer: Jeff Bass
Director/Past President: Pat Condon
Director/Remodelers Chair: Brian Moss
Director: Kevin Beirne
Director: Frank Ehrecke
Director: Dan Marine
Director: Jared Kitterman
Director: Tom Doty
Director: Jeremy Devol
Director: Bill Wilford
Director: Kerry Condon
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