NCHRA Magazine, January 2015 - page 4

s is our practice, we have been closing out the year with celebrations of
our community in the form of socials. The nexus of NCHRA, socials have
the singular purpose of coming together. Making connections. Honoring
each other. Reveling in the infinite complexities and the incredible impact that is
exceptional human resources. The latter, our steadfast aspiration.
The pages of this first annual yearbook contain the smiling faces of these
celebrations. The story I have shared this year at these happy occasions of
fellowship goes something like this…
As I approach the 25
anniversary of calling myself an HR practitioner, I reflected
that I have been called many things over that time. Many of which can’t be
repeated in polite company! I will leave those to your imagination. Whoever said
sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you, never had
a police escort through a picket line. Needless to say being a lead management
negotiator in labor disputes requires rhino-like skin. Some of the names reflect an
early misunderstanding of the role, though certainly true enough given my actions –
rule monger, corporate mom, company police, the hatchet. Someone once asked
me if I had heart. I do and did. And thought being tough was the key to good
management and perhaps self-preservation. Necessary work. Not quite executed
in the manner I might go about it if the time machine worked. Though always with
respect and equity. That was constant. And perhaps when the tougher times
eased, led to the more flattering portrayals newer names reflect.
As the career grew, or I did, it’s and chicken/egg type question, some kind of epiphany
must have occurred. New “labels” included sounding board, problem solver, connector,
and, while very simplistic, glue. That latter one a favorite. Having HR described as the
glue that held everything together. Favorite until just recently, that is.
A yearbook edition creates a perfect place for such reflection. Having technically left
an HR role when joining NCHRA in 2005, on the cusp of entering my tenth year as a
staff member of your association, a new moniker – now my favorite – was bestowed.
Meeting with a senior executive of a large organization, we were discussing (well,
sort of debating) the press HR has recently been receiving. None of it really new
after a few decades as a practitioner, but recently published, nonetheless. Should
HR split? Is HR a strategic role? What will it take to advance the profession? The
questions that have filled my days (and nights) for the past 10 years as an association
executive (and truth be known, for all of time as an HR leader before that as well.)
After an hour or so of such discussion, this CEO said, “You are a true HR evangelist.”
That’s it! Evangelist! My new favorite! And really, true all along. I have always believed
in the foundational and transformative power of great human resources. A steadfast
faith in the power of people. And, that HR must harness that power and pursue the
creation of thriving organizations composed of, dare I say it, “engaged” people with
missionary zeal. Yep, it’s true. I am an HR evangelist. And my personal goal? To
convert as many as possible, both within the ranks of those who have chosen this
enlightened work and the people and organizations we serve.
Whatever we call it, one thing is certain: Our opportunity is now. Never before
has the attention of business been focused on the defining power of people for
success. We must seize this day. We must believe in ourselves and do whatever
necessary to prepare ourselves for this most important work.
To do this work is truly a blessing.
Wishing you a wildly successful career.
Danika Davis
Chief Executive Officer, NCHRA
Executive Letter
“The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of that opportunity.”
— Ravenhill
“Never before has the attention of business been
focused on the defining power of people for success.
We must seize this day. We must believe in ourselves
and do whatever necessary to prepare ourselves for
this most important work. ”
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