Northern California HR West Magazine, September 2015 - page 8

Setting Priorities
Let’s be clear about this. There is no simple cure-
all to this challenge. The challenge of juggling
multiple priorities will be a constant battle and
struggle for any of us who want to get things
done and have an impact on the world. But
remembering and employing these three tactics
can help bring you back from the brink and ensure
that you’re focused on those things that are most
important to you. You can find more articles like
this at the IT Transformation Institute. Become a
member of the Institute for free.
About the Author
Charles Araujo is a recovering
consultant and accidental author
of the book, The Quantum Age of
IT: Why Everything You Know About
IT is About to Change. He is an
internationally recognized authority
on “IT Leadership” and liberally
shares his message of hope about
the future of IT and what it means for all of us. He is the
founder and CEO of the IT Transformation Institute and serves
on the boards of itSMF USA and the Executive Next Practices
Institute. He is a regular contributor to CIO Insight Magazine,
writes a recurring column for InformationWeek and has been
quoted in or published in magazines, blogs and websites
including Time, CIO, CIO&Leader, ZDNet, IT Business Edge,
ITSM Portal, TechRepublic, SupportWorld, Computerworld, USA
Today and Forbes. You can follow him at @charlesaraujo.
“You will be much more
productive if you can end
the day with some kind
of “power down” – doing
something that allows your
brain to actively disengage
from the important things
you’re focused on.”
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