HR West: May 2014 - page 26

2 0 1 4 C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M
Concurrent Sessions
strategies to re-engage their workforce if they want their organization to be
successful and profitable. Use Invisibility Index tools to diagnose the disengaged
among us, and then apply the ALIVE treatment plan for re-engagement. Return
to your senior leadership with the ROI for engagement and a call to action to
make employee engagement a key priority.
Ruth Ross, President, R Squared Resources
Talent Strategy 3.0:
Defining Your Future
Workplace Application:
Transform the way you hire, onboard and engage
talent to create an inspired workforce.
Imagine how your business could perform if you were empowered to create an
engaged, inspired team in which every person is in a job that brings out the best
in them. Leveraging talent to achieve aggressive business goals requires HR
leaders and recruiters to break all the rules of recruiting and retention. Obtain
new approaches and actionable tools to create an engaged, inspired workforce.
Understand the real cost of employee turnover; learn how to empower business
leaders and managers to choose people wisely; and uncover critical issues that
affect your company’s ability to attract and keep good people.
Margaret Graziano, Chief Evangelist, KeenHire
4:15–5:45 PM
Keynote: joe gerstandt “Leading Creativity & Innovation,”
Session Sponsored by ClearPath Workforce Management
While we love the ideas of creativity and innovation, we do not so much care
for the messy and noisy chemistry that drives them. Innovation feeds off
diversity of thought, conflict and experimentation—all things that we tend to
avoid. Understand the social architecture and individual practices required to
unleash creativity and innovation in the workplace. Study corporations that have
benefitted from experimentation and learned from failure. Gain insight into the
rigorous social process of divergent and convergent thinking.
5:45–7:00 PM
Community Reception, Sponsored by ABD Insurance & Financial Services
7:30–8:45 AM
Redefining Corporate Culture:
A San Diego Zoo Case Study
Workplace Application:
Align your talent management strategy
and technology to execute on your strategic plan.
To modernize its way of doing business, San Diego Zoo Global implemented
a new strategic plan in 2005. Using a talent management system to support
the plan, the Zoo set out to redefine its culture creating a stronger focus on
employee accountability. Within two years, the Zoo experienced a number of
early wins, including greater consistency in its review process and a stronger
link between employee performance and organizational performance. Follow
this journey first-hand and learn how to use your talent management strategy
to sustain high employee performance and accountability.
Tim Mulligan, CHRO, San Diego Zoo Global
ROOM 208
It’s On You:
Communicating Your Way to the Top
Workplace Application:
Confidently communicate to any audience using
professional speaking, presenting and performance skills.
Research by the Society for Human Resource Management and other industry
studies cite verbal communication as a critical skill for corporate success. HR
professionals must feel and portray confidence in speaking and presenting to
successfully champion initiatives, partner with executives, and support corporate
strategic goals. Become familiar with various presentation styles and build confidence
to address audiences from one to 1,000. Understand how improved communication
skills help you create a stronger personal brand within your workplace.
Gary C. Purece, Executive Career Coach, Speaker, Trainer
Don’t Take the Monkey!
A Coach Approach to Empowering Others
Workplace Application:
Empower managers and employees through coaching
to solve problems and take action.
More often than not, employees expect HR to fix their problems. But, HR
professionals have more on their plates than ever before. You can’t afford
to carry monkeys on your back with all the strategic things you have to do!
Imagine being present with an employee and helping him plan his actions so
he could solve his own problem. Learn to use a coaching approach in your
meetings with managers and employees so they generate their own solutions
that best fit their situation. Use your expertise to empower others to be
effective, allowing them to learn and grow.
Traci Manalani, SPHR, Principal, Manalani Consulting
Developing and Retaining Your Leaders of Tomorrow
Workplace Application:
Effectively develop emerging
talent and create a successful leadership pipeline to fill future roles
within your organization.
All too often, employees are promoted then trained after the fact on how to
succeed in their new role. As Baby Boomers retire, companies will be left with
experience and knowledge gaps that cannot be filled by an unprepared next
generation. A centralized and targeted employee development initiative is
required to promote leadership pipeline growth among emerging talent. This
session will examine Leaders of Tomorrow, a program created by environmental
solutions company Veolia, to uncover cost savings, benefits and actual ROI
achieved through talent management and development.
Ray Halagera, President, IMPACT Group
Capturing the Digital Candidate
Workplace Application:
Raise your company’s profile with candidates who are
using the latest digital tools to seek out potential employers.
Technology has changed the way people research prospective purchases and
make decisions for everything —including finding a new job. And with today’s
fierce competition for talent, it is imperative that organizations develop a media
strategy to enable candidates to find you wherever they are searching on the
Web—social media, job boards, etc. Gain insight on the complexity of the job
search in the digital age and build a strong competitive brand advantage online.
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